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Class ForeignKey

Class which represent a foreign key. Provides attributes and methods for details of the foreign key.




Readonly columns

columns: default<Column, "name", never, true>

{@link IndexableArray Indexable array} of columns this foreign key has. Columns are in order their ordinal position within the foreign key.

Optional Readonly comment

comment: undefined | string

Comment of the database object defined in database including {@link DbObject#commentData comment data}.

Readonly index

index: Index

The @{link Index index}} supporting this constraint.

Readonly mandatoryParent

mandatoryParent: boolean

Whether all foreign key columns are mandatory at parent table.


// account table: (PK) id [NN]
// contact table: (PK) id [NN], (FK) account_id [NN]
contactTable.foreignKeys[0].mandatoryParent; // true, because all foreign keys (account_id) is not null.

Readonly matchType

matchType: MatchType

Match option of ForeignKey. One of FULL, PARTIAL, NONE. TypeScript developers should use {@link MatchOption} enum.

Readonly name

name: string

Name of the database object.

Readonly onDelete

onDelete: Action

Delete action for foreign keys. One of CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, NO ACTION. TypeScript developers should use Action enum.

Readonly onUpdate

onUpdate: Action

Update action for foreign keys. One of CASCADE, SET NULL, SET DEFAULT, RESTRICT, NO ACTION. TypeScript developers should use Action enum.

Readonly table

table: Table

Table which this constraint defined in.



  • get commentData(): undefined | null | string | number | boolean | JSONObject | JSONArray
  • Data which is extracted from database object's comment. Data is extracted from text between special case-insensitive tag (default: [pg-structure][/pg-structure]) and converted to JavaScript object using JSON5. Token name can be specified by using commentDataToken arguments. For details of JSON5, see it's web site: https://json5.org.


    // "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
    table.comment;               // "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
    table.commentWithoutData;    // "Account details.  Also used for logging."
    table.commentData;           // { extraData: 2 }
    table.commentData.extraData; // 2

    Returns undefined | null | string | number | boolean | JSONObject | JSONArray


  • get commentWithoutData(): undefined | string
  • Description or comment of the database object defined in database. If comment contains {@link DbObject#commentData comment data}, it is removed.


    // "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
    table.commentWithoutData;    // "Account details.  Also used for logging."

    Returns undefined | string


  • get correspondingForeignKeys(): default<ForeignKey, "name", never, true>
  • List of other foreign keys which has same source table and target table.

    Returns default<ForeignKey, "name", never, true>


  • get db(): Db
  • Database of the database object.

    Returns Db


  • get fullCatalogName(): string
  • Full name of the database object including database name.

    Returns string


  • get fullName(): string
  • Full name of the constraint including table name.

    Returns string


  • Letter casing (i.e snakeCase or camelCase) of the database object name.


    const name = entity.name;                        // ProductDetail
    const caseType = entity.nameCaseType;            // camelCase
    const otherEntity = otherEntity.name;            // member_protocol
    const otherCaseType = otherEntity.nameCaseType;  // snakeCase

    Returns CaseType


  • get referencedColumns(): default<Column, "name", never, true>
  • {@link IndexableArray Indexable array} of columns this foreign key refers. Columns are in order their ordinal position within the foreign key.

    Returns default<Column, "name", never, true>


  • get referencedColumnsBy(): { column: Column; references: Column }[]
  • Array of columns this foreign key has and refers to.

    Returns { column: Column; references: Column }[]


  • get referencedTable(): Table
  • This is Table instance this foreign key refers to.

    Returns Table


  • Schema of the constraint's table defined in.

    Returns Schema


  • get separator(): string
  • Separator used in database object name. Empty string for came case and underscore for (_) snake case.

    Returns string

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