pg-structure / PseudoType

# Class: PseudoType

Class which represent a user defined PostgreSQL base pseudo type. Provides attributes and methods for details of the base pseudo type.

# Hierarchy

# Properties

# arrayOid

Readonly arrayOid: number

If typarray is not 0 then it identifies another row in pg_type, which is the array type having this type as element.

Inherited from: Type.arrayOid

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:53

# category

category: TypeCategory

An arbitrary classification of PostgreSQL data types that is used by the PostgreSQL parser to determine which implicit casts should be “preferred”. See related doc here (opens new window)

Inherited from: Type.category

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:98

# classOid

Readonly classOid: number

Object identifier of PostgreSQL class (pg_catalog.pg_class) for the Entity

Inherited from: Type.classOid

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:56

# comment

Optional Readonly comment: undefined | string

Comment of the database object defined in database including {@link DbObject#commentData comment data}.

Inherited from: Type.comment

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:75

# hasLength

hasLength: boolean

Whether the type has length property.

Inherited from: Type.hasLength

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:101

# hasPrecision

hasPrecision: boolean

Whether the type has precision property.

Inherited from: Type.hasPrecision

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:107

# hasScale

hasScale: boolean

Whether the type has scale property.

Inherited from: Type.hasScale

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:104

# internalName

Optional Readonly internalName: undefined | string

Internal name of type. Available for some builtin types.

# Example

const name =; // double precision
const shortName = doublePrecisionType.internalName; // float8

Inherited from: Type.internalName

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:80

# name

Readonly name: string

Name of the database object.

Inherited from:

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:42

# numericType

Optional numericType: undefined | Integer | Exact | Floating

If type is a numeric type, its numerical type. If type is non-numeric this is undefined. For TypeScript it is an enum of NumericType.Integer, NumericType.Exact or NumericType.Floating. For JavaScript ir is a string of Integer, Exact or Floating.

Inherited from: Type.numericType

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:114

# oid

Readonly oid: number

Object identifier for the Entity

Inherited from: Type.oid

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:50

# schema

schema: Schema

Schema this type belongs to.

Inherited from: Type.schema

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:61

# shortName

Optional Readonly shortName: undefined | string

Short name of type. Available for some builtin types.

# Example

const name =; // time with time zone
const shortName = timetzType.shortName; // time with time zone
const name2 =; // character varying
const shortName2 =; // varchar

Inherited from: Type.shortName

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:91

# Accessors

# commentData

• get commentData(): undefined | null | string | number | boolean | JSONObject | JSONArray

Data which is extracted from database object's comment. Data is extracted from text between special case-insensitive tag (default: [pg-structure][/pg-structure]) and converted to JavaScript object using JSON5 (opens new window). Token name can be specified by using commentDataToken arguments. For details of JSON5 (opens new window), see it's web site: (opens new window).

# Example

// "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
table.comment;               // "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
table.commentWithoutData;    // "Account details.  Also used for logging."
table.commentData;           // { extraData: 2 }
table.commentData.extraData; // 2

Returns: undefined | null | string | number | boolean | JSONObject | JSONArray

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:102

# commentWithoutData

• get commentWithoutData(): undefined | string

Description or comment of the database object defined in database. If comment contains {@link DbObject#commentData comment data}, it is removed.

# Example

// "Account details. [pg-structure]{ extraData: 2 }[/pg-structure] Also used for logging."
table.commentWithoutData;    // "Account details.  Also used for logging."

Returns: undefined | string

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:85

# db

• get db(): Db

Database of the database object.

Returns: Db

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:68

# fullCatalogName

• get fullCatalogName(): string

Full name of the database object including database name.

Returns: string

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:35

# fullName

• get fullName(): string

Full name of the object with '.' notation including Schema name.

# Example

const fullName = type.fullName; // public.phone_number

Returns: string

Defined in: pg-structure/base/type.ts:69

# nameCaseType

• get nameCaseType(): CaseType

Letter casing (i.e snakeCase or camelCase) of the database object name.

# Example

const name =;                        // ProductDetail
const caseType = entity.nameCaseType;            // camelCase

const otherEntity =;            // member_protocol
const otherCaseType = otherEntity.nameCaseType;  // snakeCase

Returns: CaseType

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:54

# separator

• get separator(): string

Separator used in database object name. Empty string for came case and underscore for (_) snake case.

Returns: string

Defined in: pg-structure/base/db-object.ts:61